Posted by : aaaa
Thursday, February 16, 2012
There are so many different genres of anime series that cater to different kinds of fans. However, there are always some classic anime series that managed to attract everyone right from the first episode until the very end.
So what are the most important elements of anime that you tend to look out for when deciding whether to continue watching an anime? In a
recent survey conducted by, about 2,700 fans shared their views and ranked “Storyline” as the most important element in an anime series.
- Story ストーリー
- Character キャラクター
- Seiyuu 声優
- Art Style 絵柄
- Theme Songs and Soundtracks 主題歌、BGM
- Art Quality 作画
- Performance 演出
- Gags ギャグ
- Visuals 映像
- Moe 萌え
- Production Studio 制作会社
- Battle Scene バトル、対決
- Stage 舞台
- Production Staff スタッフ
- Movement 動き
- Romance 男女の恋愛
- Background 背景
- Airing Slot 放送される時間
- Fan Service お色気
- Critics Review 周りの評判