Toyota Motor Corporation released two new CMs featuring the live action versions of the popular children's manga and anime Doraemon, two decades after they grew up. The ads were entitled “Nobita, 30 Years Old” and “Nobita's Barbeque.”
The CM stars Satoshi Tsumabuki as Nobita,Naoya Ogawa as Gian, Tomohisa Yamashita as Suneo, Asami Mizukawa as Shizuka, and international film star Jean Reno as Doraemon.
In first CM “Nobita, 30 Years Old,” Nobita, Gian, Doraemon, Suneo, and Shizuka are on a vacant lot, talking about their future dreams. Suneo says, "I'll be rich," and Gian says, "I'll be a singer." After some contemplating, Nobita says, "I'll go driving with Shizuka" — prompting Gian to grab Nobita and tell him off, "You're such a wise guy, Nobita!"
Two decades later, Gian is singing while driving a car. He is decked out in a suit and white tie, as if he just left a wedding ceremony. Gian stops near the vacant lot from his childhood, and a man tumbles out of the rear door. The man is Nobita, who watches forlornly as Gian speeds off. The ad ends with actor Koji Ishizaka intoning in narration, "Nobita Nobi, single at 30 of course."
The second CM “Nobita's Barbeque,” Nobita and Shizuka go on their first date in a long time, but they miss the bus to the camp site, get lost in the woods, and have trouble with the camp stove. Fortunately, Suneo appears with his car to take them back. When Nobita bemoans his lack of a car back at home, his old companion Doraemon appears out his desk. Nobita asks Doraemon to get him a car, but refused, and replied, "You don't have a license!"