Posted by : aaaa
Thursday, February 16, 2012
MaxFactory has commenced preorder for the figma figure of Princess of the Crystal (プリンセス・オブ・ザ・クリスタル), the dominatrix from the anime series Mawaru-Penguindrum (輪るピングドラム).
She is scheduled for release in Jun 2012 and will be retailing for around 4,800 yen. Interested folks can place your preorders with
HobbyLink Japan,
Hobby Search, and
She comes with a standard expression, a condescending expression befitting of a princess and a shouting face to pose her in her signature pose. The three penguins are included and can carry the Princess on their heads. They also comes with insecticide and a hand mirror as optional parts. She comes with different arms and an extra skirt part, allowing you to pose her without her entire outfit – a very versatile figma indeed ^^